[Fullmetal Alchemist] Best Quotes and Scenes from FMA

In this article I will introduce memorable quotes and scenes from the timeless masterpiece Fullmetal Alchemist!


  1. What is Fullmetal Alchemist?
  2. Edward Elric’s best quotes/scenes
  3. Alphonse Elric’s best quotes/scenes
  4. Shou Tucker’s best quotes/scenes
  5. Roy Mustang’s best quotes/scenes
  6. Izumi Curtis’s best quotes/scenes
  7. Ling Yao/Greed’s best quotes/scenes
  8. King Bradley’s best quotes/scenes
  9. Van Hohenheim’s best quotes/scenes
  10. Winry Rockbell’s best quotes/scenes

What is Fullmetal Alchemist?

Fullmetal Alchemist is a manga series by Hiromu Arakawa that was serialized in Square Enix’s Monthly Shōnen Gangan from 2001 to 2010. The story follows two brothers skilled in alchemy who perform the forbidden act of human transmutation to resurrect their deceased mother. After their attempt fails disastrously, they embark on a journey to find the Philosopher’s Stone to restore their bodies. The series is beloved for its deep themes, such as the sanctity of life, ethics, brotherly love, and the strengths and weaknesses of humanity, along with its intricate plot and captivating characters.

A masterpiece with high overall excellence [1]

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Edward Elric’s best quotes and scenes

First, the scene where he is given his title as a State Alchemist:

Fullmetal Alchemist was born! [2]
Next, his heart-wrenching cry when he committed the forbidden act:

Ed “Oh no… he’s gone!”

The crucial phrase ‘he’s gone’ [3]
The scene where he sacrifices himself to save his brother:

Ed “You can even have my heart. Just… give him back! He’s the only family I have!!”

The epitome of a cool big brother [4]
His signature phrase in a battle scene:

Ed “Come down here and face me, you third-rate fraud. I’ll show you there’s no comparison between us!”

Ed’s signature phrase [5]
The scene where he talks about the importance of moving forward on your own rather than relying on someone else:

Ed “Stand up and walk. Keep going forward. At least you have strong legs to take you there.”

One of the most memorable scenes in the series [6]
A Unique Proposal Scene:

Ed “An equivalent exchange. I’ll give you half of my life… so you give me half of yours!”

An unforgettable unique proposal [7]

Alphonse Elric’s best quotes and scenes

Al’s signiture phrase:

Al “Edward!”

A frequently used word in crisis situations [8]
A famous quote that dismisses the enemy’s pity:

Al “Being hindered isn’t the same as being cursed!”

Quote that touch your heart deeply [9]
A scene where siblings reflect on what life is like:

Al “But we’re alive.”
Ed “Yeah.”
Al “We’re alive.”

Being alive is more important than anything [10]

Shou Tucker’s best quote/scene

The scene where the sewing life alchemist shows his hidden side:

Tucker “I hate perceptive brats like you…”

An impressive line that became an internet meme [11]

Roy Mustang’s best quotes and scenes

A scene that explains the importance of speaking about your ideals even in difficult situations:

Mustang “When people stop speaking about their dreams, they cease to evolve as human beings.”

Aim for the top with a higher perspective [12]
Crying at a friend’s funeral:

Mustang “… it’s starting to rain.”
Hawkeye “But… it’s not raining…”
Mustang “Yes it is. This is rain.”

A memorable scene where the normally cool colonel sheds tears [13]

Izumi Curtis’s best quotes and scenes

The Elric brothers’ master responds when the enemy asks her who she is:

Izumi “I’m a housewife!!!!!”

The strongest housewife appears! [14]
A scene in which kindness surrounds disciples:

Izumi “You don’t have to hold back.”

An ideal master who combines strength and kindness [15]

Ling Yao’s best quotes/scenes

The 12th crown prince of Xing vs. homunculus:

Ling “Never underestimate humans… homunculus!!”

Ling provokes the humans [16]

A scene where the pose of transmutation is likened to a sacred act:

Ling “It almost looks like he’s playing…”

An impressive quote [17]
Scene where he explains to the president how to be a king:

Ling “A king exists for his people. Without his people, there can be no king.”

Quotes that I would like to hear from rulers around the world [18]

Greed’s best quotes and scenes

A scene that proves the unrealistic reality:

Greed “Nothing is impossible.”

A Keyword that often appear in stories [19]
A scene where an homunculus controlling greed arrives at the truth:

Greed “Fine, you’re right. What I’ve wanted all this time…was friends like these.”

Ling asks Greed [20]
The answer arrived at by the embodiment of desire [21]

King Bradley’s best quotes/scenes

Scene of returning to the conquered central headquarters:

Bradley “Why should I enter my own palace from the back entrance?”

The Führer advances towards the tank [22]
A scene where you can get a glimpse of the human side:

Bradley “But I did choose my wife on my own.”

The Führer’s surprising confession [23]

Van Hohenheim’s best quotes and scenes

A Scene where you can feel the weight of amazing acts in numbers:

Hohenheim “There are 536,329 souls within me… and I’ve conversed in depth with all of them!

A mind-boggling number of interactions [24]
A scene where a father speaks his true feelings to his son:

Hohenheim “Because I’m your father. It’s not a matter of logic. You boys mean more anything in this world. I want you two to be happy.”

Quotes that I want all parents and children to receive [25]
A scene where the bond between parent and child makes me cry:

Hohenheim “Ha ha. You finally called me dad.”

An impressive quote [26]

Winry Rockbell’s best quotes and scenes

Words from his childhood friend that touch the soul:

Winry “All you guys have is each other.”

The best childhood friend who also restores the bond between brothers [27]
A scene where she smiles cheerfully at the worried brothers:

Winry “I’m all right. I won’t cry. After all, you made me promise if I ever cried again it would be out of happiness.”

Ed gently puts his hand on Winry’s head [28]
And the best scene packed with everything:

Winry “Welcome home.”

The best tears of joy! [29]

These are the best quotes and scenes from Fullmetal Alchemist. Be sure to check out this masterpiece that is interesting no matter how many times you read it!

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Reference Images:
[1] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 1, Yen Press World, 2014, cover
[2] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 6, Yen Press World, 2014, p.144
[3] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 6, Yen Press World, 2014, p.93
[4] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 6, Yen Press World, 2014, p.97
[5] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 1, Yen Press World, 2014, p.58-59
[6] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 1, Yen Press World, 2014, p.94
[7] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 27, Yen Press World, 2014, p.186-187
[8] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 2, Yen Press World, 2014, p.102
[9] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 12, Yen Press World, 2014, p.81
[10] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 2, Yen Press World, 2014, p.131
[11] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 2, Yen Press World, 2014, p.33
[12] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 15, Yen Press World, 2014, p.161
[13] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 4, Yen Press World, 2014, p.151
[14] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 7, Yen Press World, 2014, p.92
[15] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 6, Yen Press World, 2014, p.152
[16] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 13, Yen Press World, 2014, p.22
[17] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 13, Yen Press World, 2014, p.168
[18] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 12, Yen Press World, 2014, p.26
[19] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 7, Yen Press World, 2014, p.93
[20] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 27, Yen Press World, 2014, p.75
[21] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 27, Yen Press World, 2014, p.76
[22] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 24, Yen Press World, 2014, p.81
[23] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 20, Yen Press World, 2014, p.65
[24] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 24, Yen Press World, 2014, p.60
[25] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 27, Yen Press World, 2014, p.118
[26] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 27, Yen Press World, 2014, p.120
[27] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 4, Yen Press World, 2014, p.101
[28] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 18, Yen Press World, 2014, p.130
[29] Hiromu Arakawa, Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 27, Yen Press World, 2014, p.166-167

Panda, Chief Editor

There's nothing I like more than Manga. After working as an organizer and interpreter at one of Europe's largest cultural events, I eventually became the chief editor of "ComicAddict."

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