Comic Market in Manga: Explore These Iconic Otaku Stories

Manga Featuring Comic Market

Comic Market-themed stories are a staple among otaku-themed content.
Here’s a collection of manga where Comic Market takes center stage.

Genshiken (げんしけん, Genshiken)

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2002 – 2006
2010 – 2016 (Second Series)

This is a coming-of-age story about otaku life in a university club, the Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture.
Many might recognize the iconic line, “There isn’t a girl who hates BL!”
Set in the early 2000s, it depicts a time when otaku were still viewed harshly by society, and Akihabara was known as an electronics district.
For older fans, it’s a nostalgic piece that highlights the appeal of otaku culture.

Stella no Mahou (ステラのまほう)

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2012 – 2022

A story about high school girls creating indie games in their club activities.
Each member uses their unique talents to prepare for selling their game at doujin events.
Highly recommended for fans of cute, 4-panel comics from the Kirara series.
It was adapted into an anime in 2016, complete with a classic Kirara-style opening featuring the Kirara jump.

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid (小林さんちのメイドラゴン, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon)

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2013 –

A popular series with two anime seasons.
This is a relaxed, 4-panel manga where a dragon from another world becomes a housemate for an otaku office worker.
The protagonist and her friends are otaku, so the series often includes otaku-related jokes, including Comic Market episodes.
If you enjoy other works by Cool-kyou Shinja, like *I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying*, you’ll definitely like this one.

Cool-kyou Shinja's art is distinctively fetishistic, appealing to fans of the style.
Cool-kyou Shinja’s art is distinctively fetishistic, appealing to fans of the style. (Cool-kyou Shinja, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Chapter 50, p1)

The Magician’s Printing Office (魔法使いの印刷所, Mahoutsukai no Insatsujo)

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2018 – 2021

A story about an otaku reincarnated into another world, creating a magical version of Comic Market.
The protagonist takes on the role of an event organizer, showcasing behind-the-scenes preparations, medical aid, and other logistical elements, allowing readers to experience the festive atmosphere.
With detailed artwork, this is a highly recommended read, especially for otaku who’ve attended Comic Market.

Applause and running crowds mirror real-life Comic Market scenes.
Applause and running crowds mirror real-life Comic Market scenes. (Mochinchi, Yasuhiro Miyama, The Magician’s Printing Office, Vol. 1, p44-45)

Ah… and Mm… Is All She Says (あーとかうーしか言えない, Aa toka Uu shika Ienai)

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2019 – 2020

A story about a shy rookie adult manga artist and an editor from an adult manga magazine.
This unique manga provides a rare glimpse into the world of adult manga creation, alongside charming characters that make it a quick and engaging read.
The realistic depiction of the publishing process adds depth to the story.

The daily life of an adult manga editor is depicted in detail.
The daily life of an adult manga editor is depicted in detail. (近藤笑真, あーとかうーしか言えない, Vol. 1, p8)

In Volume 2, the protagonists participate in Comic Market.
As established adult manga artists, they don’t aim to sell many doujinshi, but this adds to the realistic atmosphere.

The protagonists cosplay as sellers at Comic Market.
The protagonists cosplay as sellers at Comic Market. (近藤笑真, あーとかうーしか言えない, Vol. 2, p67)

Lucky☆Star (らき☆すた, Lucky☆Star)

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2004 –

A quintessential otaku-themed manga from the 2000s.
This 4-panel high school slice-of-life series is filled with anime and manga parodies and otaku jokes.
Its hugely popular anime adaptation and events such as the moe-themed mikoshi at Washinomiya Shrine brought significant attention to the series.
In the story, the characters attend Comic Market as general participants, bringing a relatable first-time experience to life.
Though currently on hiatus, any updates on the series would likely spark renewed interest.

Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (ヲタクに恋は難しい, Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii)

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2014 – 2021

This manga portrays the daily lives and romantic struggles of a secret BL fan and a gamer otaku couple.
Its popularity led to a live-action movie adaptation in 2020.
Among otaku-themed manga, it stands out for its clean art style and relatively realistic portrayal of romance from a male perspective.
As someone who mostly reads male-targeted works, I found this refreshingly enjoyable.

Doujin Work (ドージンワーク, Doujin Work)

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2004 – 2008

A comedic 4-panel manga about a protagonist who, upon learning that doujin artists can make money, begins creating doujinshi despite being terrible at drawing.
Created by Hiroyuki, known for popular works like *The Comic Artist and His Assistants* and *Aho-Girl*.

The protagonist participates in Comic Market while still an amateur.
The protagonist participates in Comic Market while still an amateur. (Hiroyuki, Doujin Work, Vol. 2, p18)

The series humorously portrays relatable struggles for beginners in drawing and the joys of pursuing goals, even when society views it as a downward spiral.

Working together with friends makes the creative process look fun.
Working together with friends makes the creative process look fun. (Hiroyuki, Doujin Work, Vol. 3, p9)

大山 悠二

31 years old, single. I have been reading manga mainly as an escape from reality since my junior high school days. The genres I'm most familiar with are 'Moe' and 'Isekai' series from the 2000s.

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