Congratulations on the Anime Adaptation! The Charm of ‘Good Night World’

The series ‘Good Night World‘, which concluded in 2017, is making a comeback with an anime adaptation on Netflix starting from October 12th, 2023. In this article I’ve summarized the reasons to watch it, and why I personally recommend this anime.

#1 Key Words: VR and AI

The story revolves around online gaming, highlighting elements of virtual reality (VR) and the presence of artificial intelligence (AI). The combination of contemporary and near-future elements creates an immersive world.

Okabe Jun, (2016). Good Night World Vol. 1, Shogakukan, p.11


#2 Simple and Bold Plot

A powerful quartet that poses as a virtual family within an online game turns out to be a real family in the physical world. While their real-life family situations are far from ideal, they unknowingly play out their desired family dynamics online. The impactful introduction from the first episode is sure to make you curious about what’s to come.

Okabe Jun, (2016). Good Night World Vol. 1, Shogakukan, p.43


#3 Perpetual Darkness, with Occasional Light

Renowned creator Uru Okabe incorporates elements of ‘absurdity’, ‘despair’, and ‘harsh family circumstances’ also found in their representative work ‘Sekai Oni’, blending them into a captivating and subdued fantasy. At times, the beautiful bonds with others shine brightly in an otherwise bleak world.

Okabe Jun, (2016). Good Night World Vol. 3, Shogakukan, p.123


#4 Easy to Read

With only 5 volumes, the series wraps up neatly. As you eagerly keep reading on to find out what happens next, you’ll find yourself finishing it in no time. (*sadly the English version has not been released yet as of Aug 2023.)



And that was the introduction to ‘Good Night World‘. If it piqued your interest, I encourage you to check it out!

Panda, Chief Editor

There's nothing I like more than Manga. After working as an organizer and interpreter at one of Europe's largest cultural events, I eventually became the chief editor of "ComicAddict."

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